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Entered the new decade at full speed with a 5-week month! Four sequences and a comic page!

We briefly revisited Bimbo University and the accursed Bimbo Beach Ball. We also witnessed two wholesome transformations, two women accepting themselves and their bodies: Preppy Girl to Tattooed Punk and Fitness Addict gets Hella Thicc, both based on patron suggestions. A silly pun closed out the month's content.

Finally, January featured a very special treat, Devi Lacroix's story, Rewind, based on Time Scientist Corrupted. Since it isn't mine, I haven't included it in the zip file, but you can read it here.

I'll be taking a break from weekly updates in February, to work on some larger projects. Payments are paused and you won't be charged. Hopefully I'll have more news to share next month!

As always, I've gathered all this month's content here for your convenience. Thank you so much for your continued support!

(You can find previous months' rewards by browsing the monthly rewards tag. All art is under the art tag.) 


Devi Lacroix

You continue to be too kind to me! I very much liked the transformation sequences this month; I'm all about people becoming healthier, especially if it means listening less to the stressful and negative influences in their life. Those aren't the sexiest things to depict, but somehow you made it sexy!