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TAD 1x 11

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Nah i disagree with alicia here i could never be angry at an honest mistake. I can be angry at willingly choosing to kill another kid tho. The first case is just malevolence for the sake of it and nothing else. Wishing the pain of a child loss on another is just does not sit right with me. They dident mean it... they had no way of knowing that is the concept of an honest mistake.


WAAIIIT so if i understand the theory correctly. It would make jhinshi the current emperor son and not his brother! Wait so he is ALREADY the heir? This means that Ah-Duo can come back as a queen if the plot is unfolds correctly. Which is why i am not sure we have all the information yet. There is no downside to her being the queen right now... It is established that she gets along super well with the empror. They were childhood friends and in love after... Why hide the fact there is an heir?


Nah, it would mean Jinshi is the younger brother of the current Emperor, otherwise the timeline wouldn't add up. It was said Ah-Duo gave birth at the same time as the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager is the current Emperors mother, that much information we have.


I can't really hold the baby's death against Fengming; honey being dangerous to newborns was news to me, too, and I'm a college-educated guy in modern times! I can definitely hold her being willing to hurt other people to cover it up against her, though.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that shrub Maomao & Jinshi were sucking on the flowers of at 17:30 was some variety of Azalea bush, which happen to be very popular decorative shrubs originally native to cool mountainous areas of China. There are several in the front & back yards of my parents' house, as well as in the yards of our neighbors.


This was a lot of fun. I normally wait and watch on YT but I'm going away for a few days and couldn't miss these next episodes. Great reaction.


If your wondering why honey can kill a baby its because it has a bacteria called Clostridium which the baby's immune system can't handle yet. We can as adults eat it because it doesnt multiply in our bowels like it does in newborns. Though on the topic of flowers there are quite a number of them that are poisonous the one that most people know about is wolfsbane which the entire plant is poisonous but its extremally concentrated in the roots one the poisonous compounds (Aconitine) can kill you by changing your heartrate and cause respiratory paralysis.