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TAD 1x 12

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We take those W all day!


I mean Jinshi did straight up ask Maomao what she wanted, and the way she phrased it was the exact way that hit Jinshi's worries of ordering her to stay somewhere she did not want to be.


This is one of those times where Maomao's unwillingness to speak her mind to people in power - which is usually 100% the right call in this time and place, in fairness - kind of just made things harder for her. Always nice to see writing good enough to make traits both strength and weakness at different times.


Yo, but can we talk about the animation on her lips when Jinshi's pressing his fingers against them? Had me acting up a bit, NGL.


I really love how you talk about the show. I have a group of friends and while I love them, its hard to do TV and movie stuff. They enjoy the show but there's little to no conversations about why we'd enjoyed it. Your reactions help fill that need. Thanks!!


Good ep. I myself don't know of any herbs that grow from insects but if you have a garden try growing some sage it repels quite a few of the harmful ones to the garden. Thats it no poison this ep. ^^


Love how you caught that Jinshi was there. I didn't catch it at all. . . and I already knew he would be there. =)