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Frieren Ep 16

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I think the reason Frieren didn't tell him that the Demon king was defeated because that would mean the lands would be at peace, and it would invalidate him defending the village. So she didn't want to take away the importance of his purpose in life right before he passes.

Ross Leonen

That single exchange about the demon king tells a lot of what's happening. That he has dementia, that his reason for living is to protect the village from the forces of demon king, and that without his reason to live, he will die at any moment. Frieren's response also says a lot. Basically "I don't want you to die, but if you do, rest assured your memory will live on through me".


German in this Ep: (Old Man) Voll = Full Nagel = Nail Tür = Door

Shank Mugen

Makes sense why Kraft would ask Frieren if she knows about him, what with him having saved the world very long ago


Given my (limited) knowledge of Elf biology, considering how old he looks in that statue (and his age now) its possible it could have even happened well before Frieren's age (i think she is around the 1000 year mark) and Kraft could be well into his 3000's possibly older. Plus there is physical maturity, Kraft looked to be in his early-late 30's and Frieren only seems to be in her late teens - MAYBE early 20's.


@Virtuos_Wanderer it's possible, but we should also remember that Frieren was basically a reclusive for all her life that purposely had little interactions with the world until Himmel recruited her. So it wouldn't be surprising if Kraft saved the world in that timespan and she never heard of him. After all, Kraft also said that he never heard of Frieren and he was definitely around 80 years ago, so it shouldn't be that surprising. That said, I also think that Kraft is far older and was probably born in that "mythology era" that Frieren talked about.


This is the first time we Frieren angry irritated or pissed off. Not even with demons But what voll said made her pissed off for the first time on screen. 10:50


I do think it was before her time though, because he even said to her that she was still young