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Hey everyone! Just wanted to take a bit to update you on the things I've been up to.

Family Vacation has been going well, still just fixing up arbitrary bugs that pop up now and then in my testing of the game. Unfortunately it's taking longer than I expected :( I wish I could show you more at the moment but I really don't want to spoil anything!

One thing I can show you is some contextual animations for parts of dialogue. Family Vacation is sort of like Lips Like Velum in that you have conversations with NPCs, some of which affect outcomes later on in the game, and some of them just for the sake of learning more about what you're supposed to be doing. I thought it might make the game a little more visually interesting if there were little bits of animated flair here and there for certain topics or "emotionally charged" moments in dialogue.

Ruins Of The Human Temple I've put on hold for a bit until I can deliver Family Vacation to you, but having it in my back pocket, so to speak, has given me a lot of food for thought regarding mechanics for both Flavius and other future Yames games. I did do a little bit of visual sprucing up, however.

Anyway, when I have more to preview I'll probably try and post again, but also I really would **love** to have my next post be sending out the keys for Family Vacation. I'll go back to work to see if I can make that happen!

Thanks so much for your support and as always, let me know if you have any questions or comments. -Yames





You're doing a fantastic job!