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Sup Jerks! 

Back in it with some Legend of Korra and we're FINALLY delving into what in the holy hell Zaheer and the Smears were all about! 

We love the twist with the Bolin Super Fans and didn't realize that FUNKOPOP existed in the Four Nations! 

The search for Aiwei leads to a journey to the Spirit Realm that is soooo rad! 

We finally sit down with Zaheer and learn that he really loves FREEDOM! But more the libertarian kind.. which is.... quite special. 

And we can all dig on that idea pretty well in its most infantile form, but these Korra Villains keep on taking their idea's for a stroll down Fascist Ave! 

Also, Korra gets Hannibal Lecter'ed and we're kinda delighted! 

Follow the pass-word protected link to hang! 


Password: BolinFunkoPop

We got AoT dropping tonight, Witcher and Cobra Kai dropping over the weekend! 


The Watchers in the Bar 




Once again, I am letting you all know how much these reactions make my week.

Azana Reed

Your reminder to TURN OFF the CC for season 4 episode 2 cause they contain major spoilers

Briana J

I like what Zaheer said about Guru Laghima’s quote “ New growth cannot exist without first the destruction of the old” and that he emphasized that an airbender said that. It’s true for a lot of things but it really shows how he took that teaching and made it way more extremist.


Interesting fact: Asian people pretty regularly eat our takeout or even home-cooked foods like this. It isn't JUST a movie thing. It's also a "best way to shovel food into your mouth with chopsticks" thing. My family and I do this ALL the time.


yeah its very clever worldbuilding. we've seen countless times how peaceful and wise the air nomads were, and zaheer saying that and revealing he bases his philosophy of an actual air bender guru is incredible, it subverts your expectations but it makes sense within the world. it makes the avatar world really feel alive that all these ideologies and ways to interpret them can exist.


that entire post chat was fucking amazing omg XD


Yes this is a good warning. Early & often so they don't miss it!

James Klix

Loved the reaction, as always, but I can already imagine the YouTube comments from people who take this show/Zaheer super seriously for talking over his monolog. Lmao

Not Amused

Real excited for the next reaction, that episode is breathtaking

Lorenzo Baxter

Well I mean.... they did miss that they're not fascists at all 😅 but I know some people go fucking ape shit and it's ridiculous 😒

Lorenzo Baxter

I definitely hear you about how this could have just been one villain throughout the series and that would have been great, but with the cards that were dealt to the writers they are doing a fantastic job giving pretty awesome villains each season except Unalaq of course 😄 and their motivations are kind of different and I like that we get all these different dimensions in each villain. And even though Korra is a Waterbender, her attitude is very aggressive and brunt like an earthbender, which is why she had a hard time doing air, the polar opposite of earth. Yes she's very skilled physically but she's getting much better at kindness and as you see she was actually listening and intrigued in Zaheers answers, not just trying to beat him up every second. Season 1 or early season 2 Korra would just be trying to wipe the floor with Zaheer without listening to him. She's growing quite a bit, but its not as obvious as Aangs journey. Sean's right it can be hard to show that growth when it's just in her mind and growing as a person.

Tim Schulte

I feel like people that are offended by them talking over the show have already left (unless they are looking for a reason to complain about something).


"Makos got the lightning why doesn't he just zap her" morgans bloodlust returns

Layn Hyer

So this is where you get a key piece on why Zaheer was so good at airbending. When he says "if you had us to train you as your elemental masters" Zaheer was the one who was going to teach her airbending so he had learned all of the moves but had no way of practicing their effects, you will also notice that his bending gets progressively stronger from episode one to the end of a short period of time, because he is now learning how to use what he already knows. That's why he learned so much about ancient airbending culture and fell in love with Guru Lagima's work because it was similar to the Red Lotus philosophy of pure freedom. Also lol that you did not pick up that they are anarchists not faschists.

rickie woodson

i have absolutely no idea who henry wowlens is......................but glad you love him lol

rickie woodson

how is showing your dick a bad thing lol im too gay for this society. come show it to me baby! im a full on nudist, clothes are such a waste of money and space hence why i dont buy em. im still wearing clothes from high school aka 2003. repressed folks need to hit up a nudist colony. you learn: just cause its there doesnt mean you have to look. as an ass man im always looking, everything else is ignored