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Hey Hey Patrons!

Rolling in with another Attack on Titan and we got not as outwardly insane, gross-out shit but still wild with a bunch of revelations and character stuff that's blowing our minds! 

Is resting-shitting-your-pants face a thing in this show? 

We get way more into the history and backstory of Kenny and Levi (who looks like fucking Gollum in this sequence)! So we get that Levi is a CONFIRMED blood Ackerman and we are relieved that he and Mikasa didn't do it or anything! 

And we essentially bid farewell to one of the fave Heels that AoT has ever given us!

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


Enjoy the video and we got tons of other stuff headed your way! 


The Watchers in the Bar



Reese Filer

Your description for this episode is golden 🤣🤣 love you guys!

Alejandro Gil

Kenny's motivations are pretty cliche (seeking power) but the reason as to why he is seeking power I don't think I've ever seen before. He wants to see if he has power he would be compassionate like Uri and become a better person. That's pretty interesting. This episode is underrated. Pretty great episode


Kenny: Powers nice and all, but I'm a fucking psychopath and I want to know what it feels like to be a normal compassionate human being what a character


Since you guys are caught up, what was your favorite episode?


you joke morg but there are people who actually do ship levi and mikasa xD the ship name is rivamika and it has a dedicated fandom lol. i mean if you think about it eren and mikasa ARE family too, even if not by blood.


i don't rlly see how mikasa and eren are family tho. she lived with them only by a year, and they didn't have a sibling dynamic.


Also like, important to remember that Mikasa is 15 and Levi is in his mid thirties


youre telling me. remember back in season 1 and a lil bit after that? ereri (as in eren and levi) were THE most popular pairing and pretty much dominated the fandom until about season 3 and 4. and they had a huge age gap and a very umconfy power dynamic. but hey, thats fandom for ya. especially the AoT fandom :(


Noooo Kenny 🥲

Not Amused

Since you’ve seen them all now which are your favorite opening / closing songs?

Not Amused

They announced in the last post that they’re fully caught up through part 2


Just wanted to say, I love that y'all are getting into some of the greater anime. I know animation can be a leap sometimes, but it's worth it