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Hey hey Patrons! 

We're back in Manly Movie Monday town and ON AN ACTUAL MONDAY no less! ;) 

Definitely stoked to be back in the swing of things and with a SCORCHER OF A MOVIE that seems custom-built for a reaction vid, Jackass Forever! 

Within the theater of masculine avarice,  what more saliently exemplifies such insanity than having a snapping turtle bite your wiener that's been painted to look like Godzilla Kaiju in a model city? 

We are GOING THROUGH IT on this shoot with Sean, Dustin, Lex, Emil, and our buddy Brent as we debate the real topics of Jackass Forever.

Does the age of the Jackass crew make these series of stunts harder to work than ever before? 

How much money WOULD it take for you to kiss a coiled rattlesnake? 

And how is a simple stunt with a POGO stick gonna inspire Sean to have to Resevoir Dogs-yell "YOU'RE GONNA BE OKAAAAAY!" to Dustin!? 

Follow this password-protected link to hang! 


Password: ImpressiveEngineering

Keep your eyes to the skies cause SOME FUCKING HOW, Sean has never seen Top Gun! So we're gonna get a reaction in before Maverick drops next week! 


The Watchers in the Bar 




I missed Bam and his family in this one. I know he was a bit whiny in the previous ones but dogging on him for that was also what made it funny. I know he has issues now but hopefully the whole jackass crew can make up in the future.

Adam Vialpando

I mean shit between Bam and the others seems pretty broken beyond repair. He isn't even on good terms with his family anymore.


damn, thats sad to hear :/ i hadnt follow the jackass crew and margera family for a long time now, all i know is that bam had been on a downward spiral since dunn's death and that he got pushed out of this film for breaking his contract by failing drug tests and just general being very difficult. who knows, maybe one day when theyre all much older they can have a proper reunion... hopefully.

Sneaky Poptart

Minus the Bam Drama, there is a 4.5 coming to Netflix soon with behind the scenes and deleted scenes. Just like 3D had with 3.5. Can't wait for that.

Sneaky Poptart

I hope so too, I hope Bam can follow Steve-O's footsteps in time. Steve-O has been a message to all addicts on how to get better.