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We're full steam ahead with season 3 and enjoying the hell out of it! 

In dealing with the Earth Queen, Korra demonstrates her growth as a statesman which is impressive to behold! 

We love the Fury Road Earth Juggalos and the return of a Clitty-Clitty Bang-Banger. Who is this mysterious fire bender and why are they in prison?

Bolin and Mako rediscovering their family lineage is SOOOO powerful! 

Follow the password-protected link to hang! 


Password: EarthJuggalos

Digging this season like a mfer so far! Thanks so much yall! 


The Watcher in the Bar




And you realise that Ba Sing Se is based on ancient China? ATLA did not invent walled cities or social inequality.


I don't why but i heard legs mutombo instead akimbo. I don't need the image of Dekimbe Mutombo legs akimbo wagging his finger.

Lorenzo Baxter

I totally agree about Korra. Yeah she had an outburst, but this wasn't a "flip your boyfriends fucking desk because they politically lean different" outburst 😅 her getting pissed at the Earth Queen was pretty warranted. Getting jerked around and then being told, "thanks but I can't help you, get the fuck out" would make just about anyone lose their patience. But yeah seeing Korra break out the diplomacy chops is pretty awesome. Reminds me of Aang, but in a different way. Can't wait for more guys!


Sorry. I thought this was vague enough. But apparently not.


that attack on titan comparison was so funny lol, cause to me its more the walls in AoT are like Ba Sing Se, since ATLA came out first and did the whole 3 walled city with wealth divide between walls and authoritarian secretive goverment. The funny thing is that Avatar is a western cartoon doing asian fantasy, whereas AoT is an anime doing a western setting. Like the walls and ba sing se are a reverse.


Mako constantly questioned Korra while Asami adds to it and helps korra do better

Jenny D

Seeing her yell at the Earth Queen reminds me of when Aang yelled at Joo Dee 1.0 after she told him he couldn’t put up Appa posters.

Andrew W

The Search definitely advances Azula's story. Without getting into specific spoilers, so do some of the subsequent mini-series.

Briana J

Not that anyone dragged Aang and Zuko, I just find the convo interesting: It's technically not all on Aang and Zuko but they did transform the fire nation colonies in the Earth Kingdom into Republic City. I guess they could have given them the option of rejoining but it's been over a hundred years for some of those colonies, they probably did not feel like their way of life fit with the Earth Kingdom because I'm sure before Mako and Bolin there were 'mixed race' families. This queen certainly doesn't care about those people from those colonies though and more than likely just wanted more land/influence.

rickie woodson

i dont think you're ready for this earth jelly, i dont think you're ready for this, cause the earth queen is too evil vicious for ya baby! cant wait til you see her arc!

rickie woodson

nah that wasnt vague at all........as someone who never saw that at all even after watching the series several times after it was in the news (which is how i found out about it) my opinion is: personal growth. all she has been through in season 2 aka the best season gave korra the character growth and maturity she needed. yall love to hate on it but without season 2 she wouldnt have become the person she became. all our experiences (good and ill) make us who we are

rickie woodson

yeah so every prisoner was put in a prison that would go against their strengths/powers hence why zaheer was waaay up in the mountains cause he could get out of any prison as long as he had a place to go: mei with fire, ghazan in the middle of the ocean on a wooden ship, etc etc.


Honestly I love the writing choice of having the Earthqueen locking up the airbenders for her army. Not only does it create conflict between her and the avatar, but it makes sure the airbenders have a reason to just leave Ba Sing Se with Tenzin in a really organic way. Because yeah, they still have family here, but if they go back there, they're just gonna get snatched up by the Dai Li again. They really have nowhere else to go.

Azana Reed

Idk how early y'all watch these episodes, but from now on I'mma remind y'all to please TURN OFF THE CC FOR EPISODE 2 OF SEASON 4. The CC contains major spoilers so please do not have them on.


Honestly it's weirdly comforting that with all the changes in the world ba sing se continues to be a horrible place lol


Season 3 of Korra kinda does that thing that happened in atla where each episode just outdoes the last, and I'm hella excited for u guys to get into it!