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We're back with another episode of Cobra Kai aka Karate High School. 

Things go sideways when the All Valley Tournament introduces a new GIRLS category for the tournament forcing Cobra Kai, and Johnny's Eagle Fang Dojos to recruit some new members.

Was anyone else convinced that Samantha would switch her allegiance to Eagle Fang for the tournament?

This episode, "Kicks get Chicks", focuses on a few of our female characters with Tory having to ask for Amanda's help getting back into school after a harrowing encounter with her aunt. 

Johnny heads to high school to pick up some chicks...for his dojo and it goes exactly as well as you think. 

Meanwhile, Demetri gives Hawk a much needed pep-talk to his binary brother to help get his mojo back after Cobra Kai shaved off his confidence boosting Mohawk.

Samantha visits her old friend (and noticeably absent character) Aisha for some advice.  Doesn't look like we're getting Aisha back at the dojo, but at least we got to see her again. 

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Password: justiceforaisha


The Watchers in the Bar



rickie woodson

she sold it to me. she just repeated to tory what she said to her in season 2 "im coming for you bitch". did NOT see that coming. too bad they only used aisha as the magical negro to help give wisdom to the white savior but i also heard the actress was dealing with some mental health issues so i assume its her choice not to come back.

rickie woodson

what i want is for moon to be the only one danny teaches the pressure points to. no one has been taught this and he has to pass it on. she would be perfect for it since she is a pacifist. no fighting, just removing your opponent's ability to fight. LETS GO!

rickie woodson

like i told you sean, you will get all the terry greatness you want, just WAIT. terry is like sex, nice and slow then blow your wad 2 hours later ;)

rickie woodson

you are in for a treat. my two favorite eps are coming up. 7 and 8. 8 is everything and 7's ending is just sigh VINDICATION! next week, get ready to be satisfied


8 is just next level good. This season’s righting and attention to detail is just on another level

rickie woodson

it took a second watch for me to truly appreaciate this season. it was a slow burn but for a reason. it was building to a crescendo. like edging lol