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Hey everyone,

Here’s a glimpse of what I worked on this week!

Now most of the week I’ve been making refined poses for the spooky girl. And these are the first 4 poses I finished. I hope you like them!

The challenge here turned out to be finding a good look for her hair. The direction it flows in- and making it rounder or more pointy-  really affected the pose. Perhaps because she has so much hair? I dunno. But I had to redo the hair in some cases to make it work. But I think I got it now, and that should make it easier to make the remaining poses!

And here is a gif-image again, showing a few steps of the drawing proces.

Oh,  and when I was putting together the art for this post... I also came across these :)

These are sketches from my notebook, which I often use to visualise key-ideas for the storylines. So on the right for example, I made a sort of frankenstein version of the helping-hand. Which I thought would look well in the spooky maintenance-maze. But it also gave me an opertunity to let the spooky girl act as if she was a vampire, and bite the hand. And that scribble eventually lead to the image you saw above :)   


Well, meanwhile I’ve also been preparing an XXX-scene for the spooky girl...which  I think it will be a fun scene again :) But more about that soon!

Have a great weekend & all the best!





is a translation into different languages planned? i would be happy to help with the german translation via weblate or something similar


Hey Tobias, yes- I hope to translate the game in various languages when it's done :) And thanks for the offer to help, that's great! Could you in that case maybe send me PM, with your email/discord info, so I have some options to reach you when I start translations? ...And you can always say no later on- I don't see this offer as an obigation/promise :)


The leftmost of the four poses looks like the spooky girl has two right feet. Really spooky...


Nice catch Alfie! :) I often copy body-parts around to save some time, but over here I forgot to mirror the toes. Thanks!