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  • Created with GameMaker Studio 2 2023-12-25 16-28-27.mp4



Good morning y'all, hope you get an amazing christmas!

Damn, I cant believe its Christmas already, sorry for the late post, I got invited to a dinner last night and well, wake up super late, and a bit hangover and all that, worse of all earlier this week I realized Christmas was THIS week, My dumbass thought it was until next week, woops!

The Routine

So, this week was a bit chaotic I will admit, some family situation happened that took me out of the flow for a couple of days, there was progress nonetheless on the work but the flow was a bit disrupted. All is good now and the scare was minor, but disruptive. Besides that I had to also get more groceries and pay other bills, those stackup a lot this time of the year eh? Nothing notable happened but I managed to get a pretty darn good eggnog! 

The Project

The project has been going pretty well! While the flow got disrupted a bit, I have managed to finish all assets, all NPCs are done and all rooms are done too. Just need a couple of extra things to give them that, you know, extra kick so the world isn't just a barren one. The dialogue has been going great too! We now have multidialogues and options, all this has been done in a different file to keep things smooth, then it just needs to be imported to the main file and polished a bit.

What's the to-do list after that?

The related quests
and flavor text

I already have the WIPs for the poses and all that now they need to start being worked on so things are shaping up quite nicely!

The Extra

I haven't touched any games since last week, Dota released some sort of gacha event, Im tempted but gotta work first and then I can think about playing and getting hats, last weekend I kept playing UTY, and now I'm in the steamworks!

Alright, I have to prepare for tonight's dinner. These days are always a rush, my family is very...traditional, yeah, let's go with that. Anyways! Again, wish you a merry Christmas, and as a gift, here is a little teaser.