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Sorry for the rushed post y'all. I was super close to being able to show this off, and got wrapped up in it to the point that now there's no time to write stuff before the stream (starting now)

The summary:

The Physiology system is functioning from beginning to end. It's hard to show off the complexity quickly, but I'm super stoked to be able to have actual interaction finally fully working in the game:

behold the magic debugging crystal

The debugger is doing great as well. Brainstates and finite state machines (emotions and bodily states) are working as they should, and everything seems to be bug free.

Interaction like you see above means the bounding boxes/hit detection, stimulation, sensation, brain states, actions, and display systems (accounting for the past many months of work) are all working!


Okay that's it I gotta stream

Thank y'all so much. This is a huge milestone! Next time I'll do a proper post sorry >.<'



Awesome job


After all this time, I half expect one of the characters to ask me "Does this unit have a soul?"