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Game update

The debugger is done for now. I can now monitor and input stimulation on individual body parts, see what sensations those become, track and manipulate all the sensations the character is currently feeling, see what emotions and bodily states that those sensations turn into, and see the actions that the character takes based on those emotions.

So uh, yay! It's what I've been talking about for a while so there's not a lot to dive deep on there. But it's great so far! I can see the next improvements I want to make when there's time. It's a done for now feature though, which will hopefully carry us until initial launch.

The next step right now is: improving the AI actions.

I was trying to work on it the past couple of days, but had to step back and bring out the pen and paper to make sure the design was a good idea. Basically, anything happening in the character's brain can result in them taking an Action. This creates the character's behavior. Even just them twitching or making a face is an Action.

There are two big improvements I'm working on next:

Logical Actions. At the moment Actions are just abstract, and can have things like animations tied to them so the player can see visually what the character is doing and feeling. But next I need to package up a set of logical effects from a character taking an action. 

For example, orgasming causes a secondary effect: clenching or spasming. This has implications for tightness of a character's orifice, and for their ability to hold in various fluids. The clench action needs to have animations, but also send tightness or squeeze effects to body parts that can do that. Plus clenching is a tiring thing, so it'll build up exhaustion. Also, it'll cause heart rate to spike, which will affect breathing speed, etc.

If this sounds super complicated, it's... not really? It's just applying the things already built into the game so far. I'll show it off as soon as I can ^^

Action Logic. As in, the various ways to figure out when an action should be taken. This works all right now, but I'll talk about and show off the results as I make these more cool. At the moment it's just "feel this emotion? Do this thing" which is powerful, but limited.

Personal update

My time management is crap and my life is chaos. But otherwise doin pretty good ^^

(End of personal update).

edit: Okay, to elaborate a little here. I've mentioned my ADHD struggles in the past a lot. My life is basically pure ADHD chaos without a strict routine. As soon as any aspect of that routine falls apart, everything comes crashing down. In the past, this would mean I'd burn out and stop being able to be productive at all. 

But now that I've put tons of effort into organizing my work life, progress on the game doesn't get impacted much even when everything else is crazy. I've been trying to apply some of those organizational ideas to my personal life, and have had some success, but since I've gotta make changes in my routine to improve, my routine has predictably been totally shattered.

It's kind of a good thing, and part of healthy growth, but it's also pretty emotionally challenging and I hate that it affects outer things like, in this case, my ability to put together a nice visual progress update for my patrons. Y'all have supported me on this project through its most difficult patch, and I wanna show outward respect for that fact. 

So uh, yeah, sorry for the low-effort posts the past couple weeks. I'm working on it, and hopefully as I adapt to the new changes in my personal routine, I'll be able to deliver even better stuff than before <3

That's all for now! 

Thank y'all so much for supporting my scattered ass <3



Adding clenching/spasming animation... THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!