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This is a development build; it is incomplete and contains lots of known bugs.

 Some of the new features aren't enabled, some of them are enabled but content is missing, and some stuff is just WIP. 

Please only report bugs that crash the game or completely prevent you from playing.

Woo, text dialogue + expression pairing! I've been imagining this game with contextual dialogue from the very beginning, and it always felt disappointing that it wasn't in yet. So yay! The fun thing about this dialogue system is that I can add dialogue and make the situation it occurs in as specific as I want. It's pretty flexible and powerful, so new characters won't just have different text in their scenes - they'll react to different things entirely. 

There's also a contextual color thing going on where the text changes color to signify what's going on. Green is neutral/good, Purple - Pink are varying levels of pleasure, Blue is relief, and Orange - Red are varying levels of discomfort. 

The dialogue isn't pretty yet, but it all seems to be working, and I feel it makes a big difference :D

Also, the scene starts with a Visual Novel-style intro. These will be fun to set up the scenes and provide a bit of context to the overall story. Don't worry- it's short and you can click past it.

The worst part about all of this is now I have to share the porn dialogue I wrote >.<'

Changes from v.041a

  • Dialogue added
  • Scene intro added (WIP)
  • Blushing added (WIP)
  • Uterus and stomach storage cap changed from a hard limit a soft limit - you can now gather more, but it's difficult to do
  • Minor UI cleanup - orgasm no longer causes the background boxes to reappear 
  • Mouth glitch fixed - the mouth is no longer weirdly misaligned after oral
  • Bitmap fonts added (mostly a tech thing, will be useful for prettier UI)
  • Added a couple cheats (see below)

Play it here:


Username: patron

Password: fashionbug

If it doesn't work, please enable hardware acceleration in your Flash settings. Right click the game to access the Flash settings.

Current super secret dev cheats:

  • A= Adds one stallion wanting anal
  • D= Adds one stallion wanting vaginal
  • Z= Adds one stallion wanting oral
  • S= Adds two stallions- one anal, one vaginal
  • N= Fills stomach and uterus a little
  • M= Drains stomach and uterus a little
  • I= Adds pleasure
  • O= Removes pleasure
  • J = Character Select

Heads up- I'll be at Everfree Northwest for the next few days, so hopefully nothing's busted too badly in this build xD

Thank you all so much for supporting me. I'm excited to be getting more consistent content out. I wouldn't be able to do it without your support! <3



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