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I've skipped streaming these last couple days to try to regain my focus after the con, and I'm finally feeling good about my pace again. Here's what I've been working on:

Animation system improvements

One partner will now "take control" while the others remain more passive. This allows the body movements to react more visibly to that single partner, while still allowing the other two partners to move. This means I can put in more variation in the stallion's animations individually.

There's always been this pause when switching around anal/vaginal partners, and it's been annoying the crap out of me. With this new system, that problem is gone, and the scene's flow isn't broken every few seconds by partners switching. :D

This also affects game balance in a fun way, since varying the pace of the stallions dictates how quickly they reach orgasm.

Choosing partners

You now just click directly on the partner you want. 

Gameplay and UI thoughts

I think I'm going to push off the new UI until after the next public release. Originally I wanted it in this version, but I think I've figured out where I want the gameplay to go now, and it'd be useless to commission UI art until the gameplay is implemented.

I've sketched out some gameplay design for a FTL-like mechanic of energy allocation and upgrades. It'll be simpler and more relaxed than FTL, of course! I like the idea of having to choose whether to allocate mana toward focus, capacity, and abilities. If you lose focus completely, your disguise wears off and you turn back into a changeling. 

I'll talk more about that when I start putting it into the game. It'll be one of the next big steps in making this game a real "game". :3

Next release

I want to push out another dev build tomorrow, and then clean stuff up for a release candidate ASAP. There's a billion things I'd love to improve before making a public release, but it's probably better to put out something more alpha-y sooner, rather than waiting forever for it to be super polished.

That's all for tonight! <3



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