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1.6 is on track and will be out before month's end. Here is a sneak peek of what is coming!

Animation of morphs and extended morph range support (both shown here):

Expression morphs (and many other new morphs)

Audio and Image file browser for much easier scene building

Physical button and many new trigger actions (Atom toggle on/off action shown here)

And much more! Check out Trello board for more info:


Thank you all for your ongoing support and being the best community I could imagine! 




These changes should make for some exciting new scenes for sure! Thanks Meshed for keeping up the rapid pace. I personally have been waiting patiently for the features at the top of your planned column- pubic hair, new hair system, improvements to the models themselves. The last few updates have all been about creating more options for animations and interaction, so I'm really looking forward to the next update where you are focusing again on the beauty of the models themselves!


Expressions! Most excellent! 😀👐❤️


WOW!! Does this mean..since the morphs can be animated, can we animate the chest/abdomen to make them breathe?


3rd..... lol, keep up the good work, I love it. Expressions, this is like my favorite update


You always could, using cycle forces or either animation method.


Great Job again! :) This sure makes it easier to add things in the scene. Can't wait to try out the facial expressions! Well done! :)


all i see now is a willy slapping a button


I do not understand, I still have no access to the creative mode, I do not see the interest of paying $ 8 per month


You need to scroll down and enter the code listed for that version when the game is launched OUTSIDE on the desktop, then stick your headset on.


This looks excellent Meshed, GREAT work! Thank you!!!


It would be nice to be able to copy/save a person's body morph properties so that a head/chest can be reused on another person without affecting the other settings.


You can use save/restore appearance for this, although there is no filter for specific morphs.


Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but are there plans for neck length? Odd request maybe, but something that seems too long on some of my models. Thanks :)

matthew b

can you do a trailer trash morph girl?


There are a bunch of scale type morphs that I don't have enabled because they are not quite working right yet. I think neck scale is in there. I hope to get this addressed soon.


I think the current morphs have enough variety to get that look, but what is lacking are makeup options. I have plans to support custom overlay textures at some point that should help.




I'm excited for this release. Mostly because it brings us one release closer to more clothing choice and pubic hair ;)


I can't wait. Some of these features... it's like you are reading my mind! I try to send e-mail requests to trello as soon as I see a need for some feature, but most of the time I forget about them as soon as I'm leaving VaM, but it seems it doesn't matter beacuse you add them anyway :D


Cool update! I liked it very much!!! Guys, try to play also My cute coousin, very nice game! These two are my favourites!!!


Heya's, just wondering, with the ability to toggle on & off atoms, can we toggle on & off persons too? would open up great possibilities to create highly dynamic scenes where several animated persons blend into one seamless dynamic animation across several possibilities (think about walking back and forth between things like a chair a bed and a stripper pole, each then having its own anims) Ideally i would like some logic gates instead, so this could be achieved with a single person and some maths, but the ability to toggle persons on & off would be a great solution for the short term.

Acid Bubbles

Hey, I just wanted to drop a note to say this thing is a dream coming true. The possess mode, even with it's imperfections, along with the mirrors, animations and posing, and the gorgeous rendering... it's the first time I gladly subscribe to something like this, and it's absolutely worth it. You are definitely skilled, and I hope you'll get all the support you need to continue moving forward with this amazing project. Thanks!


This exists! At the top left of the person control screen is a checkbox to toggle the person on and off.


I've done scarcely anything else since I discovered VAM. It's not good... :-)


Yeah, it's amazing how much time one can spend in there.


i cant wait! :) it would be cool if in the next update you could make the viginas deeper and able to stretch to accomidate the the toys on max scale


also could you add interactive hands instead of the balls for the controller


is this basically the same as the demo? I'm still not really clear what this is. Is it similar to vrtitties? It almost seems like a development platform of some sort.


I would call Virt-a-Mate an adult VR sandbox and animation system, but there are many built-in and community created scenes you can download to just operate in "play" mode. The "Creator/Edit" mode is for those who want to make their own scenes.


I would have to extend the soft-body physics zone, which would cost additional FPS, something VaM can't afford right now. Perhaps in future release once performance is better.


I have development item for that here, but won't be in 1.6: <a href="https://trello.com/c/A2mdRnPD" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/c/A2mdRnPD</a>


Will it release tonight? Tomorrow? I'm off tomorrow....it would be perfect timing (hint hint)


Any moment now


This game is almost the sole thing that is making me keep my VR headset. Not to mention the quality of the characters, I can't wait for the new Genisis models to be put in eventually. This update though is one I have been waiting for for a while. It's gonna be so baller.


yea man i agree. It's unbelievable how good this game/simulator is already. And i hope people realize how much ***** work it is to make this. I don't know if he is doing it on his own or not. But even with a small group of people this is ALLOT of work. Amazing what this guy is doing.


This month?


He usually waits until the last second in the latest timezone


13 more hours. gonna hold off ad wait to bust a nut till then


I have to get faster at scene building, takes me about 8 hours to bust...


I usually nut, then in the in-between break while re-energizing I scene build and by the time I’m done tinkering with everything I can bust a second time.


you're an evil genius! I will have to give that a try. But there is another issue I am struggling with and that is boredom. By the time im about to bust i get bored of the scene and want to switch it up or try tweaking it on the fly.... never ends well and i usually have to restart


Yea this is why there needs to be a quick play mode where the female is set up from the start and ready to go. I get the erotic artistic expression tool aspect but what if you just want to fore this up and get VR freaky with a digital woman?


Is there any time for the release?


well I already built a juicy model to my taste (big boobs, big booty) and saved it as a look so I can jump into any pre-made scene like doggy style or cow girl from earlier versions or any go to scene and load her to be the character.


I think he just completed it like 40 min ago according to trello


This looks awesome! Which month end was that? ;)


Any chance for some body sliders for the arms? like length and thickness?


Meshed has said that arm morphs will be in, but the colliders do not adapt accordingly yet. This will be fixed later.


11:59pm at the world's latest timezone: "due to unforseen bugs, I will continue to work on the update for an ETA of next week" -- probably


If this releases April 1st just to collect patreon payments I'm cancelling my sub. Signed because he said end of March.


Nah Meshed wouldn't do that on purpose. He works hard on this.. if there is a delay he usually says it in advance. (Happened before)


Is this going to be the first "patch" release, out of curiosity? Or is it a full download?


I'm so ready, keep up the good work meshed. If it's not released today (though I hope it is), we still love ya. A heads up if not is always nice though.


i really wonder what timezone meshed is in? i dont want him to release it at 4am my time xD


Quick update. I've discovered 1 bug I need to fix during my final testing, and I'm still wrapping up the final built-in scene content. Yes I HAVE been working 20 hour days this week to get this done, which is why I'm not posting updates as much. Sorry it is taking longer than some would prefer. 1.6 is crazy full packed of new features and tweaks. Your pledge helps me keep this going, so please do consider that! My best guess is I will finish this very late tonight.


Take your time it will be great im sure ! its your deadline not ours so take it easy , and well done !


Full download again. I had to do more base restructure so it would have been nearly full 3G again anyway. I expect if I do a 1.6.# patch, it will use the new patcher system I have.


Big UP to the Perfectionist. Meshed VR = Artist


you really need to have a rest. this aint healthy


Just a thanks for all the hard work. Software specifics aside your dedication as a developer is inspiring


I will be waiting. I also dont sleep. Meshed ill toss you some of my beano's :)


Just a few more hours left


<a href="https://media.giphy.com/media/KEhIB4JWqqV9u/giphy.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://media.giphy.com/media/KEhIB4JWqqV9u/giphy.gif</a>


heh maybe getting some well deserved rest :) keep up the great work~ BTW maybe you can add something to allow us to load in OBJ models, just a thought.


Just finished the final scene work. Didn't find any major bugs/issues, so I think it is good to go. It will still take me some time to package up and get the release up for download.


I can out wait Chuck Norris


Great job by the way Meshed. Just want you to know you have my full support and I am here with you


And 1.6 landed. Thank you so much meshed!