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More details on Trello: https://trello.com/b/LDlEpfvk/virt-a-mate-public-plans

Important note for this release:

Web browser and web panel web access has been turned off by default. You may see red error messages on scene load indicating this. You must opt-in on the User Preferences panel if you want to enable web access. This is to alleviate privacy concerns and web access without permission. There is known issue here with DreamStreetBedroom. Even if web TV is disabled, it still generates the error message if you have not opted-in to web access. I will address in a patch.

Download links:





 * Multi-scene scenario "The Neighbor" - choose your path. This is a very simple demo of what is now possible in VaM - simple games!

 * Many animation and trigger enhancements

   * Scene loading triggers (the 1.6 multi-scene demonstrates this)

   * GUI button object added. Add custom buttons to control triggers (load scenes, start animations, etc)

   * Physical button object added (same as GUI button, but involves touching with physical object in game)

   * Animation of morphs. Expression morphs added to allow animating expressions

   * Added timeline control and triggers to AnimationPattern 

   * Atoms now can be turned on/off using triggers

 * Many new morphs

   * 15 more face morphs thanks to backer Ren!

   * Dozens of expression morphs

   * Several new body and head morphs

   * Can now completely disable the auto-expression system and eye blink system (in Head Control)

 * Audio and Image file browser for easier scene building

 * Desktop mode enhancements

   * Mouse select of objects

   * Mousewheel support for UI

 * Lightweight (merge) scene loader - useful for fast changes in multi-scene scenarios

 * Thumbnails added for skins, hair, and clothing


 * Please see the Trello board for what else was completed. There were many small tweaks, enhancements, and bug fixes. I'm too tired to write them all out here!



excellent, thanks meshed


Bravo, many thanks meshed! :)


Awesome! Also, there's a good few bugs in this version when it comes to the scaling of the character. Can name a few here: 1: when scaling it down it moves to the side on every additional point i add or substract and even ended up in the corner of the room when i substracted by -1.0 2: When scaling up, with more than point one percent, it then either clips through the bed or floor and falls into infinity, or it gets insane polygon spasms around the small room.


Bravo sir!!! Thank you!


How do you load those face morphs ? Or are these just more adjustable sliders rather than presets ?


Kewl update.


WOW!! This is AMAZING!!! Thanks SOOO Much Meshed!!


BEST UPDATE YET! thanks for the prego slider i needed it for a story im working on.


I came..


Thank you Meshed for another substantial update! May I ask if there is going to be more morphs of hip and leg? These seem to have the least morphs compared with face and chest. Really wish there would be more as they are equally important for a perfect body.


Finally! Can't wait to try it when I get home.


Wonderful Thank y ou!


Marry me...


Awesome! Can't wait to explore the new features! 😀


Sweet stuff this update got me on board!


So, I spent the last hour looking everywhere and I have no idea how to animate morphs. I was going to try using the "lower stomach depth" morph to simulate a bit of distension using triggers but other than the "animatable" check box, I haven't found anything. I even tried starting record mode, and using quick select to go back to the morph slider and just slide it back and forth but that didn't work (there's also no way to "enable" it for record mode). Has anyone figured this out yet? Thanks EDIT: I found a solution on the trello board: <a href="https://trello.com/c/1NkaWURb/553-animation-and-trigger-of-morphs" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/c/1NkaWURb/553-animation-and-trigger-of-morphs</a> (Latest comment by Acid Bubbles)


take you headset off its on the desktop window


Can you move selected objects in desktop mode? Because if you can I literally cannot figure out how lol


Please add a torrent source!


I'm no expert on distribution but it occurs to me that a .torrent might start making sense as an option


I hand planned on moving to new installer with a distributed global CDN backing it, but I ran out of time to get it done before 1.6 release.


Desktop update! Thank you!


I'm new to Patreon, but I am interested in your program. If I pay for the Creator tier for a couple of months, will I still have access to the game if I cancel? I don't have a lot of extra money.


ya dude- just donate, get the key, download and cancel if you like


Is there a way to see 1.6 changes on trello? Seems like they all get removed when a new build is released. I was wondering about the "quick load" and what rules govern when / if that happens as I am trying to link multiple scenes together.


<a href="https://trello.com/b/r9Bjaoni/virt-a-mate-completed" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/b/r9Bjaoni/virt-a-mate-completed</a>


Love this release. The improvements might not be the sliders we deserve, but they are the sliders we need. Yeah, Batman joke.


But question, on the Oculus particularly, did we lose the ability to move up and down when clicking the thumb button? As in when switching planes (from rotate left right to move left right) I used to be able to move forward and back, click thumbstick, move up and down. I can't seem to do this anymore. I really liked that feature, since...you know...moving around...one handed...easy. For research.


Check your navigation preferences. It sounds like you might have your height locked. I thought navigation was bugged a few releases back, then realized that of course, the new version didn't remember my navigation settings, so i had to reset them.


Download is superslow.... could you add a mega link please?