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Tracer wins the vote this week! Have to say it's nice to finally get to take a shot at Overwatch porn.  I feel like the only guy on the internet who hasn't drawn any until now lol.

I don't normally go for PVP multiplayer shooters but I've had fun playing Overwatch.  I think it's the crazy diverse cast of characters that separates it from the pack. Though I rarely play as anyone but Reinhardt if I can help it.  And before you point it out, it's not just because his name is similar to mine.  He happens to be the only one I can stay alive as for more than sixty seconds lol.




You know something funny? When I play Overwatch I have to make a conscious effort to not call Reinhardt 'Reinbach'. I did it like five times the other day and each time my friends had no idea what I was babbling about lol. Also Tracer looks nice. I like that you didn't draw her legs as they appear in game (ie twigs).

Bob Fink

Very awesome render!


Hey you're not alone on the Reinhardt/Reinbach thing, I've heard of it happening with others and I like to think I'm responsible for a lot of it all across the world lol. Also glad you like how Tracer looks. Seems I lean toward thicker, more realistic proportions without even realizing it lol, as I thought I was being pretty faithful to her look from the game.


Very nice! Though my heart weeps for the failure of Elsa to win. Not that Hentai Foundry is lacking in pictures of Elsa with the "D" inside her. She's probably the only person drawn more times than the Overwatch cast :). My personal favorite OW character is Zarya- gotta love the muscle babes!


Heyyyyy I didn't agree to this :)


Lol Zarya has killed me more times than anyone. As for Elsa she's a very popular character, odds are good I'll get hired for her sometime.