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Normally, I feel like the fewer panels I have in a page, the more action-packed they need to be.  But in this case I went with less panels going for pretty much the opposite effect. Pacing-wise I felt like I just needed a page to let things breathe a little, to just show where everyone is in relation to Casey and also get a nice close up of the three new characters to the scene.  I know that can get a little trying for a comic that only updates once a week, but I hope you stick with me because there's certainly a lot going on in the coming pages. :)

Meanwhile, Kaleo is back! Remember him? Guy from five chapters ago that barely had his face shown at all and his name was never actually spoken in the comic?...No? Well Casey sure didn't forget about him.  Speaking of Casey this is one of the rare scenes in the comic where she doesn't happen to be the POV character, and I like the chance to show off how nuts she sounds to anyone who can't hear Switch.

And last but not least we have two more lovely characters making their cameo appearances in the comic! That's Jessica LaBelle on the left and Synthiria on the right. :)



Michael Wright

I love Casey's face. She's really letting the crazy out. Not just her crazy hotness.


Gotta love a bit of the old 'wreck your shit' kind of crazy now and again. It's always fun to see Casey lose control like this and know that something's gonna go down, maybe not now but eventually. I also never really appreciated how Switch, despite being kind of creepy and foreboding, is the voice of reason in Casey's head. That's a nice subversion of the expectation and I'm surprised I haven't mentioned my admiration for it earlier. Also Synthiria's hair is absurd, I love it so much lol.


You said Casey didn't forget about him? That's surprising considering she wasn't even focused on him when they were together. She was only focused on Bria.


Actually there's a big side story there that I only wish could fit into the comic. Basically the idea was that Casey is terrible socially, but she knows that kind of thing is important to Bria. So she thought that if she hit it off with Kaleo, she, him, Bria, and Jonah could go on double dates and have their own little clique. But when Kaleo thought she was a psycho that dashed her plans and she didn't take it well. Come to think of it I may actually try and squeeze that into the narrative, as it may be more crucial than I thought.


Glad you like Syn's new hairstyle, as it came from my provocation lol. As for Switch herself you'll be seeing a lot more of her in the coming pages. ;)


Awesome! Glad to know it's not just me that's turned on by crazy. :D


God I hope Bria doesn't arrive on the scene to break this up


Well I hate to be a drag but Bria isn't the type to stand back and watch her best friend beat someone up, so intervention is inevitable, but I still think you'll like how things are about to go down. ;)

Bob Fink

This is so awesome, Casey at her finest, or should I say Switch ;)! I'm so looking forward to seeing where this goes next and how Bria fits into this whole tirade from Casey.


Glad to hear I'm keeping you engaged and I hope you like how things go! :)


Lol it's certainly going to be hard to stay in that dress during any kind of exertion. ;)


Syn's hair is absurd... absurdly hot! :D Thanks for featuring her in this page. :)