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How have I made it almost 100 pages without a catfight until now lol.  I imagine Casey and Synthiria being evenly matched, if Casey has an edge here it's because she's in berserker mode.

Meanwhile if Bria looks super pissed and not surprised in the least at the chaos that's because this isn't the first time Casey's pulled this kind of crap, and she's running out of patience with her short-fused best friend being unable to function socially without making some huge disastrous scene every time.  

Though she's become quite the sexual exhibitionist lately,  Bria is still very shy when it comes to confrontations or generally voicing her opinion if she thinks someone's not going to like it.  The point is, while she and Casey have certainly had arguments before, Bria's never snapped at her or so much as raised her voice until now.  How is Casey going to take her first scolding from Bria?  We'll find out next week! :D




Boobies! Sorry, I should say more but...Boobies!


That's an interesting paradox for Bria to have, I kind of dig it from a narrative perspective, especially considering how long we've seen her be more or less the total opposite. I'm interested in seeing how that affects her in the future and how/if she ends up getting over that too. I can't imagine being friends with someone like Casey would allow you to remain non confrontational forever (this bit of shouting notwithstanding).


I'd have to think those giant boobs would get in the way of throwing proper punches, but in your wonderful universe, that's a mutual handicap suffered by all women :). Love the look on Casey's face- her nutty looks are that perfect level of crazy/hot.


Best cat fight ever!!!!!!!

Stush Cinta

Poor silly Casey


Well who knows what will happen when Sylvia shows up later in the chapter? ;)


Thanks! Never really drawn this kind of thing before so I'm glad you like it.


Thanks! And yeah I think both girls are far too busty to be optimal fighters lol. XD


Well the way I had it in my head is that Bria is definitely the follower in her relationship with Casey. The only thing she ever really said no to was Casey's sexual advances. It may not even come up in the comic, I just thought it would be fun to get a bit of back story in so you guys can hopefully get more out of Casey's reaction on the next page.


I think I already mentioned this, but I never get tired of seeing Casey's breast. I see my boy made another small appearance lol.


Hey I never get tired of hearing that her tits are going over well lol. Thanks again for letting me use your guy as a spectator! :D

Bob Fink

Finally the cat fight :D! Casey is one wildcat. This is so awesome and I can't wait to see what Bria has to say about all of this ;)!


Glad you're looking forward! I'm really excited for what's about to go down with Casey and Bria. :)


Lol I love this page, Reinbach. XD


A solid prediction! ;)