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Here we have two OC's belonging to a father/daughter role playing story the client is playing with a friend. I don't know much about Kelsy as a character but I'm thinking she and Casey would get along.



Michael Wright

Looks great. Are those tattoos or just marker?


Shame it's just a roleplay lol. Were it a little more real she and Casey would have quite a few stories to swap :P


Thanks! And the client called them tattoos but didn't specify on if they were the permanent kind. If I had to guess I'd say they were.


I think the relationship is real in the actual story, it's the client and the friend doing the role playing, not the characters. Sorry I could have made that more clear.

Bob Fink

I have to agree with you, with that red hair, I'm sure she and Casey would be one hot mess together ;-)


Like the heart nipples


pretty hot ! i love this picture :P I've probably already stated this opinion but you should try experimenting with other male designs like skinny men or fat guys, old guys, guys with tats, maybe even ugly dudes etc some of the guys look a tad too similar to royce :)


Fair point, I've got an old guy in an upcoming commission so I'll be mixing things up pretty soon. :)