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I'm very excited to present the opening to a new story here at Patreon Featuring Wonder Woman! This  time I'll be handing the writing duties over to Snizzlefit, and I'm a big fan of what he's written for this already. Hope you guys enjoy it and thank you as always for your support! :)

Gal swallowed nervously and awkwardly smoothed out her crinkled shirt. Everything had happened so fast her mind was still processing  how she came to be standing before one of her long time heroes.  She'd walked into an alley, a couple of thugs approached her, and before she knew it Gal was standing in front of Wonder Woman! It was all she could do to keep her composure and not completely freak out at the sight of the legendary heroine. Up close Wonder Woman was infinitely more intimidating and somehow more alluring as a result. Her long black haired seemed almost undisturbed in it's elegance despite her exertions and her entire body was the perfect blend of feminine beauty and deadly power. Gal caught herself staring at Wonder Woman's shapely hips, long powerful legs, and perfect chest at least three times before Wonder Woman turned back to look at her.

Unsurprisingly Wonder Woman was the picture of calm decorum as she smiled at Gal. Beating up those two thugs hadn't put so much as a drop of sweat on her body and Gal was certain she'd have been able to do it without her famed bracelets or Lasso of Truth. The longer Wonder Woman stared the more Gal realized how awkward it must be for her to have said nothing all this time. But try as she might Gal couldn't think of anything to say to her hero. She could only meekly stand there and cast her furtive glances from behind a curtain of disheveled hair. Wonder Woman, thankfully, broke the silence.

"They didn't hurt you did they?" She asked kindly.

Gal shook her head, "No . . ."

"Good. I'm glad I was passing by when I did!"

"Yeah . . ."

Wonder Woman was staring at her with a slightly concerned expression, one dark eyebrow arched in curiosity. Gal needed to say something other than a monosyllabic response or risk making a total ass out of herself in front of her hero. She gathered her nerve, ignoring how sexy Wonder Woman looked in the moonlight, and took a deep breath. With a slightly awkward clearing of her throat Gal . . .




Im glad the original outfit was used, im not a fan of the new 52 look of wonder woman :)

Bob Fink

Awesome first page and the rendering of Wonder Woman is spot on! I agree I like that you used the original costume.


Soo is this going to be a girl on girl story? :3


Classic is good but I don't mind her New 52 look either. Look at Wonder Woman vol 7 and tell me she doesn't look hot as hell on that cover.


Is Gal the sister of Gai? ...This writing seems familiar. Hmmm. :p


As well it should! I thought it would be fun for Guy to have a female counterpart so we settled on "Gal" for her name. Funny coincidence that's the name of the actress who plays WW.