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So one of my idols is an artist named Reiq, I've mentioned him before, I send him my art for critiques occasionally.  And you know what his page has that mine doesn't? Sketches! So I was thinking every now and then I'd post a quick flat color sketch, probably of a character from whatever game I'm playing at the time.

So this is Lisa from Dead or Alive 5: Last Round.  She happens to be my fighter so I picked her for the sketch.  Allow me to make a bold statement: Dead or Alive is the best fighting game series out there in my opinion.

In what other game can you play as a 90% naked woman who happens to be an evil scientist who moonlights as a sexy luchador, fighting a heartless mercenary who is dressed up as Santa Clause on top of a building being attacked by a giant stone statue?  Nowhere. This game is not only fun but pure spectacle in every minute.   I like Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter as well, I used to like Soul Calibur but the bastards killed off my girl in the last game. That series is dead to me. ><  But for me there's just no beating Dead or Alive.  How about you? What's your favorite fighting game?




I love Lisa and I love DOA. It's one of the few fighting games where I don't even care if I lose, just so long as I can watch Kasumi. Or Christie. Or Kokoro. Oooh, or Tina, can't forget Tina. Or Lei Fang...or...


Lol no kidding! The pouty animations when they lose are especially entertaining.


Mortal Kombat has always been a favorite of mine. I was a little upset when they toned down the sexiness of the female costumes in the latest one. I know they were pretty ridiculous and not practical, but who cares? lol


I agree! Maybe they figured the violence was getting so amped that piling on anything sexual would be too much for the ratings board.


Maybe Lisa doing Helena with a strapon is in order? :D


Man if we're talking Dead or Alive girls the possibilities are endless lol. I drew Lisa because she's my favorite but I'd be thrilled to draw any one of them....except maybe Mary Rose. She's not really my style.


Been a huge fan of DOA franchise for many of these reasons but as far as favorite fighting game goes Mvc3 gave me hours of enjoyment. Though LisaxTina is my otp lol


MvC3 was pretty awesome. I always meant to buy the Ultimate version cheap but it...never got cheap? Last I checked it was still like $40 online. It's strange when some games just never seem to go down in price. I'm sure I'll cave and add it to the collection sooner or later.

Stush Cinta

Oh no! Who did they kill in soul calibur? D:


Mortal kombat was my childhood and still is my favourite fighting game. 1 and 2 and 9 and x are the best ones :)


Sophitia, my one character for the franchise. And they replaced her by splitting her move set between her two whiny kids. There is no forgiveness. &gt;&lt;


You know I think those are my favorite MK games too. I remember feeling like MK 3 wasn't so great at the time. I mean, Scorpion wasn't even in it for crying out loud. I liked MK 4 on the N64, but after that they all seemed to blur together until 9.

Bob Fink

Pretty cool, I can see why you are enjoying this game ;-)


im definitely NOT into fighting games, but i absolutely LOVE the girls they produce! so, uhm, i like them all? :D


Can't argue with that lol. RPGs are no slouch when it comes to producing hot female characters either.


I use to be a tekken person, but i'm starting to lose interest in the storyline, I think i'm not as excited about games in general though (i'm ashamed of myself lol) I think tekken originally had the best fighting mechanics but now its about overkill combos and how one juggle can drag you across the screen taking 90% of ones health (same as MVC3). However DOA has AMAZING girls and the best jiggly physics :D too bad they wasted it on volleyball :/


Has there been a Tekken game recently? I feel like I haven't seen the series since the last console generation.