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The new version adds a new enemy to the Somber Cloister; the Dryad. She will pull you in from afar, and summon tentacles when you are within her reach. This comes alongside the first of a new set of tentacle animations, which play when you get trapped by them.

In addition, there's a huge rework to the base combat in this version, attacks no longer require the player the guess if they need to get further away or not to avoid an attack, every attack shows a clear indication of the affected area. Beyond that a new Monster, the Dryad appears in the Somber Cloister, alongside a new HUD tentacle animation.

Download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/roguelove-42983052
Changelog: https://noxdev.itch.io/roguelove/devlog/653308/021

EDIT: I'll be dropping a patch for this version later on tonight


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