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The pens are being calculated, and the monsters are seeing them and seem to be avoiding anything outside their pen. This behaviour is still not perfect, but it's going to do for this update.

Right now, monsters are still "seeing" other entities outside their pens, and considering them as targets (for eating or fucking), but will not confirm them as a target if they are in different pens. They will be registered as unreachable. This is fine, for now, but when the system is complete I will have each pen generating a list of monsters and items inside, and monsters will only be able to "see" those entities, and nothing outside their pen.

For the sake of this explanation, "see" just means the monster in question can consider them as targets.

EDIT: The system has been expanded to the point that each Pen is assigned a biome (based on which tile type is the most abundant), this is just for show for now, and your own info, but will be used in Monster happiness and requirements in the future.



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