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Let me show you the Gameplay/Interaction system i build for You♥

The Rebecca Game used the same system but very much different,
It knew what to do because it was "Hard coded", so whatever you could do with her can not change as there was no way for the Game to know what it can do and what not.

It was so to speak "stupid" code, but Harem is a much different game, so it needs a Smart way to know what it can or can't do.

So i expanded the system since the Rebecca game by alot, It knows which animation events are Valid in which situation.
How does it do that?
Every Character you Initially Meet is different in some ways, some differences make it necessary to have different kind of animations, and bone structure.

The Goal is to have a system which allows you to freely interact with + it should support multiple "tools", Bodyparts and Mental states.

For the game to know what you can and can't do, so to know which mode it should present to you it needs a few things:
  • Character Skeleton Identifier (a name for the skeleton used)
  • Mental State (Dominant or Submissive)
  • Max Mental Dominant + Max Mental Submissive (so you never loose a already unlocked animation mode)
  • Tool Selected (the tool you are using)
  • Body part hit (with the tool)

Each Mode Now has informations about which body parts need to be "hit" with which tool for the Mode to be shown.

This is the Mode Stucture:

This is the Tool structure:

This way i Only need to add a Mode for a Animation asset, the game itself checks if a mode can be shown, also because everything is saved inside the "Modes struc" its pretty easy to add and maintain Event modes.

Everything is saved inside the Base Character Data table,

You see it also has the "Free event Modes" which are used if you interact with someone currently not inside a Animation event.

In case someone is already inside a event, it works the same way just instead of using the "Free animation modes" it uses the Event Modes.

here is a example of it:

To explain a bit better i made this graphic

Full size:


It reads from Top to bottom, and shows how the logic goes through functions to make you *Hug* Someone.

Hope you can read it, wanted to write it with my cintiq but it did not want to work for some reason -_-

if you are interested how such a function looks like:

Full Res: https://ibb.co/h8xs19Y

This shows the "Check events for Modes" function which is the heart of this feature.

After the Event Mode check, it takes the collected modes and puts them through this to get the right one for the Current mental state of the NPC:


Didn't do comments there, it really is just a spaghetti monster... but it works!

it searches trough the modes found and continues until it found a valid mode closest to the current mental state or till it failed.

I wanted to have a short video ready so you can see, but i broke something and have to fix it first, but this system is fully implemented.

Next time we have something more Visual,

i know this code stuff isn't for everyone, but maybe you have found it interesting, if so and you have questions let me know, and if you like to see the savegame system (which came out pretty nice) and how i solved some tricky problems there let me know!


your furrier,


not a furry totally

damn, you've got me extremely hyped. Been here for a while and I finally have a decent computer that can run your games to their full potential! keep up the great work!


I have a new rig and I am still afraid to render that fluff lol. Stilled HYPED to try it though!