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The first episode in conversation with George of CAVDEF discussing Henry Lee Lucas. In this episode, we introduce Henry Lee Lucas and go through a broad overview of the case as well as the conflicting positions on Lucas's many confessions. At one point, Lucas was believed to be one of the most prolific serial killers in history, and not long after that, some disputed whether he was technically a serial killer at all. What explains this discrepancy?

We cover Lucas's early life. I pick George's brain regarding my discovery of MKULTRA subproject 39 at Ionia State Hospital and Henry Lee Lucas's stay at the same. Finally, we introduce Williamson County Sheriff Jim Boutwell. Bonus points for a surprise appearance by Charles Whitman.

George's Notes:

• According to the John Gilmore biography of Manson, as cited in book 1 of Peter Levenda's Sinister Forces, Manson claims to have met a "definitely satanic" individual named Toby at Chillicothe, who taught him hypnosis and brainwashing

• Lucas's abandoned car with blood and a knife inside was found in Needles CA (incidentally the same city where, years later, Timothy McVeigh nailed a note to a pole addressed to Steven Colbern). Police suspected the blood was from Kate Rich, but Lucas claimed it was his own. They did a blood test, but the blood had degraded so much by that point that it appeared to match Lucas even though it most likely was not his.

George's Links:




series art by Dakota


Kate Rich murder articles: http://cavdef.org/w/index.php?title=Serial_killers#katerich

CIA connections of Jim Boutwell: http://cavdef.org/w/index.php?title=Serial_killers#jimboutwell

Episode 45 Songs:

El Bueno y El Malo by Los Hermanos Gutiérrez

Cielo Grande by Los Hermanos Gutiérrez

Thunderbird by Los Hermanos Gutiérrez

Serial Killers by Gucci Mane





Steve Ray

Yo, CAVDEF George! Your website is missing the corrupt af 2004 Washington State Gubernatorial Election, where officials in King County spent 7 weeks slowly "discovering" uncounted ballots until Christine Gregoire, the Democratic incumbent, just happened to end up with a 130-vote lead out of 3,000,000 total votes.


Kinda weird but 2pac mentions craving thorazine in the song trading war stories


New subscriber. This was fascinating! My first episode ever and I am hooked! Thank you so much for content like this that is objective and fact based. I have such a hard time with the misdirection and blatant lies in the world and it is hard to find content I enjoy listening to. This was a hit! Heading to episode 2 now. Thanks for saving me from a life of Netflix and Amazon...😝🙄


sus Red Bluff


finally listening. love me some george from cavdef!!


I’m so happy I finally paid you $5 bucks. Cheers to you and George for this series!


Hi Jimmy, is there any way I can get in touch with you directly?