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(11 of 11)

The eleventh episode in conversation with Wendy Painting, author of Aberration in the Heartland of the Real: The Secret Lives of Timothy McVeigh. In this episode, we discuss the Oklahoma City Bombing as American Gladio, a strategy of tension scenario in which terror is used as social conditioning. 

(note, to record 11 episodes, at certain points we were both getting quite tired, so neither of us might be at our most eloquent)

Then, Wendy Painting discusses her literary influences, the events that inspired her to write, her views as an author, and so forth. To cap it off, we discuss why there are multiple versions of her book and she explains the issues she's faced with her publisher.

Wendy Painting's Kofi:


series art by @r.voy_ (building upon the original illustration by Bobby Joe Crouch

Bonus Episode 41 songs:

Guayaquil by Los Hermanos Gutiérrez

Doctor Jeep by Sisters of Mercy

the Vanishing American Family by Scuba Z






Thank you Jimmy. I listened to them embarrassing fast and hardly did anything at work the past two days


This series has been fantastic! God bless you and Wendy and stay safe!


PTC is best podcast confirmed

Shoe Manghorn

poor Wendy went to a real publisher and ended up with Mark Corrigan's printing of Business Secrets Of The Pharoahs :-(


Amazing series... Just wondering: what was the time span of the whole recording session? Sounds like a real marathon!


Hell yeah just got my copy of Abberation and thanks to this ep I flipped straight to page 514 and confirmed it’s the non-fucked edition.


When I was reading the book, I thought the editing was poor (even though everything else was great) and this explains why. I have the bad 'cauldron of hate' edition and it's a shame because Wendy's work deserves better. You can definitely feel in the bulldozer assault section where the narrative lets loose but also gets more unsettling. It really starts to become literature rather than just an academic paper at that point


kind of funny I found you through wendy painting and not the other way around.


can anybody remember which part it is where Wendy lists a bunch of things to avoid looking into if you don't wanna be messed with? active operations or something


found it thank you. satellite companies and Saudi firms. great stuff and thank you as always this was an awesome series and Wendy's book is great. I do think I got the cauldron of hell version as I got the ebook straight off amazon any hint on where you're going next? I'm about to start reading Oswald Zavala's Drug Cartels Do Not Exist


“British London…isn’t that, kind of like…American New York?”


Finally finished and what a long, strange trip it’s been. Props to Jimmy and Wendy for putting the time in to do this right and bring this info to us semi-literate masses! PS: Wendy, stop worrying about being cocky! You don’t seem like someone who’d come off cocky even if they tried.


I had to dip out of the Japan series after a few episodes, but this series kicks all kinds of ass. I wish Wendy would self-narrate the book. Her accent is quirky and charming. Well done, PTK!

Jonathan Smith

God damn, closing it out with that Scuba Z song. Brings me right back to watching Hypernormalisation and slowly losing my mind. Can’t believe it’s been 7 years. Thank you for this series!!!

Katherine Moss

Man. I finally got to the end of this series. So glad I finally got the time to come and finish. Laying here tears running down my face. It was so great. Got me in all the right places.

jfk truther

fantastic series! happy to learn i did indeed read the good copy