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This one isn't very exciting, as it doesn't have any pictures.  

I didn't do a new prop this week, but I'll get back to it next week.  This week I focused on getting the combat stuff pretty much where I want it.  Now all I need is a little polish

I was trying to come up with an interesting combat system that gives you access to all your magic spells, without having the player use a lot of menus to switch spells.  

Part of this is accomplished with the previously shown spell wheel.  Big powerful spells, or very niche rarely used spells will be accessed by entering the spells forumula in the wheel.  

I think this is an interesting idea for the stuff that isn't used constantly, but I don't think players want to be entering a spell in that window every few seconds. To help with this, there will also be combat specific spells, that will act more like equipping a weapon. 

These spells will give a 3 or 4 hit combo with a specific type of attack.  I plan on making a few of these spells, that the player can switch between on the fly, and hopefully in the future I can add more, letting the player decide which ones they want to have equipped at any one time.  

For these spells,  I spent this week setting up a simple hard lock on which basically acts like Z targetting from a 3d Zelda game.    I also had to go back in and build the combo system, so as you switch between the combat spells, it remembers how far into the combo you are.

I don't have much to show, as this was all set up, but I think this system will be fun when its done, and its a system I can easily expand by creating additional spells.

Sorry this is a wall of text, thanks for your patience!

And as always I'm open to any comments questions, concerns, etc.



Excellent! We wait your news and update! Thank you! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤


just pledge to this page. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to your new update :D