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I'll be very upfront, this week didn't go well for me.   

I'm not a fan of posts complaining about things, or coming up with excuses, but this week involved first me getting sick, then a family member getting hospitalized(They'll be okay, its appendicitis).

Given that I got next to nothing done.

I did manage to finish another game prop between these two events, and work on a few quick bug fixes, but beyond that I really didn't get anything significant accomplished.  

I did a small crate:

 At any rate, I'm feeling much better, so next week is back to normal!



Meh shit happens mate, ya can't control every little thing that happens so don't sweat it ;)


Looks like I'll get to figure out the StC score when the game is finished


everyone will have there down times but honestly that gave me a good laugh I just got a mental image of someone saying "Well ... I made a box" lol


Works of art can never be rushed.


Out of all my projects I support you have been super consistent about release of content, don't beat yourself up. Hope everyone is well, and keep up the good work man.


it Happens Partner, we all can't work on it 100% of the time if we don't give ourselves some breaks, we will just break ourselves!


So you ARE human!


Looks good! glad you're feeling better