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Few things I worked on this week that I wanted to specifically go over.

First I decided to trim the opening cut scene animation I was working on, in order to get into the actual game play faster.  I realized what I had initially planned was a lot of info dump, and I'm gonna spread that out between gameplay segments.

I did still work on some animations from the new cut scene, as it starts the same, but just ends much sooner!

I also worked a bit to fix some texture issues with the damage decal textures.  There can be issues that pop up with white edges when you've got textures with transparency.  It can be as thin as a line, or with foliage it can sometimes end up so distance trees have completely white leaves.   

When I was testing creating an atlas of damage decals, that's what I ran into.  In this case it would sometimes come out as a weird outline, or fully white depending on the angle.

The fix is to make sure that the color channels of the texture extend out further than the opacity channel does.  In substance painter this is fairly easy to do, painting the entire surface with materials, and the painting only the opacity channel with how you want it to be shaped.

So although it looks like this:

It'll display in game like this:

Gives much better coverage, and looks a lot nicer as well!

Thanks so much for the support, and have a safe and wonderful week!


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