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September was a bit rough, but luckily its over and we can move on!

I mentioned that I spent some time this week working with AI "art" generation, and while it takes a lot to wrangle it in, I did get what I consider a few wonderful depictions of our heroine, Meridiana.  I think right now, this AI stuff shines most as an inexpensive/free concept artist.  Its not as good as if you're able to afford the real thing, but if you can't its a workable replacement.

It also will work well to fill out some artwork that might exist in the world, so I hope you won't be disappointed to find a few of these as collectables.  

I'd still prefer to get some really dirty work done by my favorite artists, though!

While I worked on a few other things, the big thing I wanted to mention was setting everything up for the multiple spell sets.  When I tested it, I had two sets, right now I've got it set for 3.  My concern for more sets is buttons.  Right now with 3 sets, and an item set(like knife, gun, etc) I can map it to a controller fairly well, but on Keyboard and mouse its a bit awkward.  I'm not sure how to make everything super comfortable to use, so the button layouts are something I'd love to hear ideas/feedback on, and we'll try to get it best we can!

That's the big stuff I wanted to talk about this week, I really appreciate the support, and I hope everyone has a great week, and stay safe!



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