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Really got some work done trying to make various rooms for a dungeon area in the cave level.  

My plan is to build out a series of rooms, and then randomly select from them and add some every time you enter the area.  This would give the area a little replayability, as well as let me try out different puzzle ideas and trap ideas at a lighter level.  

I figure once I've got a few more puzzles under my belt, then it will be the perfect time to go back and fix the puzzles in the tutorial level one final time.

I've got my tablet stand fixed, so I can go back to working on more models, and I've also continued work on new animations.   

I REALLY wanted to release a small build with the puzzle room area this month, but I think it'll likely be next month instead.  I need a few more rooms at least, and I want to put in some new animations as well!

But I am kinda happy with how this is working out so far, and I've got ideas for more rooms.

Hopefully this will be kinda fun, and something you guys will like as well!

Thanks for the support!

I hope everyone has a good week, and stay safe!


Traps and Puzzle Preview

Some trap and puzzle rooms that I'm building out for my game. These rooms will be laid out randomly from a selection of pre-built rooms, so there will be a little variety each time the player goes through this area. I'm trying to keep the puzzles a little simpler this time, and not make anything convoluted or confusing early on.



<p style="color: #008600;">Hopefully next time you can still show your build with the puzzle room, it's really a good idea.</p>