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October 29th Update

This build includes the various unfinished zones that I've been working on.

The garden area acts as Meridiana's hub area.  

This is where players will eventually choose costumes, weapons, items, etc, before they go out into the world.  

The hub area will also eventually include:

*A gallery to view the various sex animations you get from monsters.

*The Dresser to change costumes(Already included, but right now is a simple switch)

*The vase filled with the paintings Meridiana has found(Already included.  There are currently five paintings hidden in the other worlds)

*The The various collectibles on display(already included.There are currently three little statues hidden in the other levels)

*Bathtub for Meridiana to clean herself in(will be more useful once you can get dirtier)

*A few hidden sex scenes

*The ability to summon various demons and gods in order to drain them and gain their powers before going out into the world

*Potion making station

The tutorial level is included here as well, but it remains largely unchanged.  I do want to change a few things, and add a few 

more, but I want other levels and enemies finished first, so that there is a smooth transition.

The Hidden City.

Follow the short cave path to reveal the path to the hidden city.  This is the basic map up to the temple, with the side path

and puzzles not yet implemented.  It currently has goblins as its enemies, but the plan is for it to have its own badguys, and some of them will be tough.

The level is also brighter then planned, as I don't have a really good spell to create light quite yet!

The Previously built sex scene Gallery

I had to make a small fix, but this is pretty much the old sex scene gallery.  Once the new one is built, this will no longer be included.

The combat tutorial area

I like this as an area to mess with spells and badguys.  Here you can enter the town and fight the guys there, or spawn enemies of your choosing to fight.

It also includes a SUPER simple little side plot (like really really simple)  that I really like, and want to move to some other part of the world later (and hopefully expand).

I hope you guys find exploring this stuff at least somewhat interesting!  I plan on trying to adjust and update what we have from here from now on.




A couple quick suggestions: A) She needs a couple different animations for when she's masturbating that trigger at like 50% and 75% to give a visual other than the gauge. Same goes with the magic exhaustion gauge, even if it's just some lightning particles that gain size as it goes up. Her dress also seems to be going kinda nuts in the wind even when there's no other sign of wind. And speaking of dresses, I'm so looking forward to when we can run around with her in the other outfit. Great work as usual and looking forward to more.


Yeah that's a good idea. I have plans already to increase the visual effects of magic exhaustion, and adding more animations to the masturbation stuff certainly makes sense! If you go to the dresser in her tent, you CAN change the costume to the other one.


Hehe, I got too busy being stuck in the lake to notice that part.


Yeah right now you can pretty much go where you want, at your own risk. Once the levels are done, I will go back and block off places that aren't safe/doesn't make sense to be!


Hello! You need to do somthing with the graphics. Some optimization maybe. My GF 3070 is hot as hell after 2-3 minutes playing at Epic quality(((( I have to low quality down to stabilize the temperature of my video card(((


Meridiana's comments (or rather thoughts since they are not voiced) when she gather collectables are great addition. Game should have more of that, for example during/after scenes, after rewatching art in gallery (!), while looking on scenes in scene gallery (or on maps), after magic exhaustion, randomly during exploration (just for immersion or as tip for player).


I'm having a terrible time trying to download this through Mega.NZ is there an other links?