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This week, my big focus was on doing the last few things I needed to in order to get the build out.  

The build can be found here, BTW:


I had to build save data for the collectibles and spells the player has, and then finish putting the collectibles into the world.

I also set up a viewer for the paintings.  I want something a little more elaborate in the future, but the current system will work for now.

Then I wanted to be able to have some interaction in the new level.  I had to go back and add some props and enemies to that level.  All those red lines in the image above are enemy patrol patterns.   I will likely revisit these patrol paths once the actual enemies for this level are done, but this will give the player something to interact with in the mean time.

My next immediate goal is to get the models for a few enemies done, and start putting new creatures into the game.   New Creatures mean more animations, and that's something I need to focus on a bit.

In between that I'm going to be working on the levels, trying to finish fleshing them out, and create more objects to fill them with!

Thank you again so much for the support, and I hope everyone has a safe and happy week!




Nice work, and good day!


glad to see in the gallery section that you put the fish people back in the game i thought it was an enemy model that was abandoned. One quick question: When will release dungeon demo so i can try out different strategies not the level made in the demo ,but maybe waking up in a cave dungeon after being captured with the only goal is to escape? or a town to see the human ai mobs guarding the town or towns people in their daily lives? oh right will there be a day nad night cycle?


I do have plans for a town with NPC's, and I do have another level in the early development that is part dungeon. Some areas I might have a day and night cycle, I already have the logic for it. Other areas I'd prefer to control the weather, so I can use day and night to add effect as needed.