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Not a super long update this week.  I continued to focus on spells.  This week I created a spell to go with the cold area spell effect, and recreated a better version of a rock wall spell I had made a while ago.

I really like the rock wall idea, but I'm not sure it'll be super useful.  I've added the ability to break the wall, and have it fire off rock projectiles, but I'm not sure how useful they'll be.  

I hope to do put out another test build with some adjustments I've made on Tuesday or Wednesday.   

Instead of the same old Tutorial level, I'm going to drop a bunch of stuff into a demo level from one of the asset sets and see if I can make something players can try out that is it a bit smaller in file size and a bit more direct.

I wanted to get another love animation done before I released this next test, but I need a bit more time on it.

Again not a super long update!

Everyone stay safe and have a wonderful week!



Artic Wind and Stone Wall Spells

Continuing to work on new spell ideas. The first spell is a stone wall. If the player hits it, it will break but shoot off 3-5 stones that can hit and damage enemies. The second is Artic Wind, and it creates an area of extreme cold. Enemies that pass through will be slowed, and if they're also wet, they will be frozen. As you can see, the wall even responds to being cold and hot. The next plan for the wall spell, if it sticks around, would be to fire hot or cold rocks when it is hot or cold. You can follow my progress here: https://www.patreon.com/Mithos56 (NSFW)



I also posted WIP's on my YouTube, but then a piece of pussy flashed in the background and now I'm sitting without my channel. Be careful with this! ;)


Thanks for the heads up. Do be quite honest, I forget that they're there. I Think I'll delete them to be safe!