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This last week I spent most of my time getting ready for the test build that I released a few days ago:


This involved placing generation volumes appropriately around the tutorial level, so that the different sources appeared as I wanted them to.  

I also went back and changed a number of spell formulas to make more spells simple.  Not every spell will need multiple magic types to cast.

Part of the update was making a small change to the underground puzzle section of the level, and I plan on making a few more.  
I added burnable spiderwebs, and I really like that.

While I was testing the new magic generation stuff, I added  some of  options for casting:

I can make it so you can use health in place of an element if one is missing.

I added a toggle so that you can cast spells that use the same symbol twice in a row. ( I might use that for upgraded, more powerful versions of spells)

I can toggle whether magic generates on its own, and simply needs to be pulled towards you, or if you must draw it out of the environment before you can cast spells.  Feedback so far thinks you should need to pull it, but that also makes things much more difficult.

While I was working on things, I adjusted the spells that require a target, to just being aimable.  So now you can throw props at anything.

One thing that really stood out to me is the lack of spell options, so I did spent some time finalizing more spells, and I want to get to implementing as many of them as soon as I can.

I also found a really inexpensive asset pack for a destroyed village, and given the price I thought it might be a good fit.   While checking it out, I noticed a subtle post process that I kinda like.  You can see it in the image above, its a very subtle toon shader almost.

While I will continue working on new areas and enemies, I'm gonna put a little more effort the next couple weeks in making new spells, and then try a new release to see how they fair.

Thanks so much for the support, and stay safe!




I really like how you worked on the spells and really think you did the right thing to finalize this moment with the spell options ...