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This week I focused on making some small adjustments to the new magic stuff, and implementing it in the existing level.

Because its  tutorial level, I don't really have to implement the magic until you need to start using it, so it wasn't as complex to set up.  

None the less I did have to go back and make a few small changes to the environment, and some spells.

I also made some adjustments to how the magic looks, based on feedback.  While you are drawing the magic towards you, the magic has a large icon.  Once you stop, the icon will fade and be replaced with a small particle system that flickers in and out.   There is also a soft twinkling sound that you might hear as well.

Of course pulling up the casting circle will always show you how much magic is around you.

How magic looks while being summoned/drawn to you.

Icons for ambient magic in the area.

I think this will end up being far less distracting, while still making sure you have all the information you need.

My plan was to release a build to get some feed back on this stuff last week, but I wanted to take a little more time to make sure its well explained and implemented.  

 So I will release that build before the end of the month.

Look for that soon, and have a safe, wonderful week!

Not a lot of magic in an underground dungeon.  Meridiana will have to make due!



I like the idea of magic being more present in some area's compared to others. Mana-management could be a fun part of the game. Areas with more ambient mana would by default become easier to complete, and other areas like a dungeon would become a hard challenge due to the lack of magic. What if Meridiana ended up in a castle/dungeon where a powerful witch-hunter lives who has warded the place with magic-siphoning crystals. Our heroine has to make it out with a limited ammount of resource. Maybe she even could find a way to destroy the crystals and come back to defeat the witch-hunter.


those wards could be a useful tool for puzzles too like unlocking elements to open new areas.