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This week carried on very much like last week, were I worked on a few separate things.  I have a surprise or two I'm also working on, but I don't want to show that off until its done.

Did another exploding monster. This time it was the witch doctor goblin. 

This time I ran into a very strange bug in Unreal Engine.  After generating a number of skeletal meshes at runtime, if I generated one specific mesh, it would delete all of the meshes I had previously generated.

This would cause the body parts to disappear the instant they were generated and never be visible to the player. I was able to get past it by creating body "gib" separate object and generating those instead.

Worked more on my wall, and built the interior side.  Its some wallpaper with wainscotting on the bottom.  I think it fits the theme, and it was easy enough to create several different versions. I've even got a version where I can make the wall paper part any color.

The interior and outter walls will be built as one object, saving time so that I don't have to go back and add an interior when I built a structure.

I also started getting the other costume from the demon lady imported in. Most of it is UV mapped and retopolotized, but it does need final textures, and it needs some additional skinning.  Its a bit of a complicated costume, but I'll get it in there eventually!

That most of what I want to show off this week!  

I hope everyone stays safe, and I really appreciate your support!



damn.. i kind of feel bad for goblin there ,but at least it's quick :P