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Its been a busy week!

Last week I mentioned I split the level up into sub levels, and tried dynamically streaming them in as you played.  I continued to straighten that out this week.  I managed to keep the hitches when loading different parts of the level minimized, but they do still happen.(At least for me)

I went ahead and put the build out to the higher tier patrons.  It now plays a video, and had a title screen, as well as some loading screens so you know what's going on.  The title screen is very much a stand in for now.

After putting the demo out, there was of course some bug fixing I had to do, so I ended up uploading a newer build, and put that out yesterday.

I also built a little teaser trailer from some game footage.   The version above is from youtube, and the dirty parts are edited out.

I finally did some work on trajectories of various abilities.  It should now be much easier to hit a specific target, or throw objects to specific places.

I have recently found some good learning resources that might help me in my weaker areas, so I plan to attack those this week.

I hope everyone stays safe!


Sorceress' Tale teaser video

I put together a little teaser video of what I've done so far using footage from my tutorial level. The dirty bits have been taken out, but a longer version with them left in is on my twitter. https://www.patreon.com/Mithos56 (NSFW)



I like her confident poses when she kills enemies). Good luck with learning resources!


Hello, just joined. I wanted to ask how often do new test builds release?


I typically try to put them out every few months. I usually want there to be something new in each build, so its not too often.


Right, am I even supposed to get past the barrel and strongbox session? All they do is break, and I end up teleporting out of the map


The strongbox should land on the switch, if not, you can push it onto the switch properly. This is something going to adjust so its not physics based before the next release.


Any chance on an android version we need more games like this on mobile