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This build has a few additional animations, but a lot of work was done on spells and skills.  

I feel like things might be starting to come together as a game.

Updated Link as of 06/06/2022


Edit - Updated with a new file due to a bug where you cannot easily get to the secret area.  This version also contains a couple really small quality of life changes.



So, is the wrecked throne room the end of the build or am I missing something?


if you throw a bomb down the wrecked railing next to the throne, it should blow up the wooden planks stopping the barrel from hitting the switch, which will open up the path to the last area


How you do get the tentacle animation to work?


I'm really sorry on this one. You need to hold the 2 button down until the spell is done casting. I didn't explain it, and I'm going to try to correct it before I put out an updated build tonight/tomorrow.


Can you implement a way for her to get dressed again after draining a mob?


Press N on the keyboard. You might need to hit it twice. Also, K does an alternate costume!

Purple Witch

The secret area does not load when I go through the fall (after winning the contest, that is)... I end up falling infinitely :( But I love that place, and it was working in the previous build. I hope you know why this happens (happens every time I tried), and you can find some fix, maybe


Get rid of jumping puzzle with floating rocks at the start please or at least make it skipable


I'll probably avoid that kinda obstacle more in the future. You can teleport though most of it, though, instead of jumping.


the shooting challenge gal tells us to look in the first place we looked for a prize or something. I'm kinda lost on this one. is there more to this or not implemented yet?


key 1. 2 and 3 does not work for me I block from the start, is there a way to change the commands?