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This week was a busy week.

I did take a couple days to work on some contract work, but once that was done I was free to get back to it.

I added the throw prop spell that I've been wanting to add.   I put together a new animation for it, but I'm not sure I'm happy with it.  While the spell works, its not the most glamorous spell at the moment.

I spent more time trying to make the level load and run a little more efficiently.   To do this, I've broken the level into distinct sections, and set up the game to load them and unload them as needed.   

It seems to be working mostly fine, but there are the occasional hitch that I'm not happy with.  In some instances, you want the hitch.  For example, if you're reloading after death, you want things to hold for a second until the level is loaded, else you'd fall through the world.  
But when you're just running through the level, this hitching isn't so great.   I'll be looking at further ways to reduce it.

I wanted to get a new build out this month, but it looks like I might miss it, but I do plan to have a build out in a few days!

Hope everyone is staying safe!


Throw Props

A quick test of throwing objects at the enemies. This spell is meant to be faster then picking up a prop to throw it, and I think I'll try to set it up to be rapid fire. Since this is a test there are no effects or such to make it visually more satisfying, and I'll need to come up with a solid animation for it. Also, as it stands this spell can only be aimed at enemy monsters, I'm not sure if I should change it to fire where ever the player is aiming. https://www.patreon.com/Mithos56 (NSFW)



Well, at the expense of the new build, I think a delay of several days is not a problem. And yes, the end of May, it is hard to believe that we have already lived through a considerable pandemic period. Nevertheless, we hope for its end.