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This is a build that kinda shows off combat with a weapon (no spells here, yet), and enemy attacks.  It doesn't have any sexy stuff besides hitting N for nude mode.  

But if you do decide to try it, I'd appreciate a little bit of feedback.  I have a few thoughts, but I'll wait to see if others agree with me.

I obviously still need to tweak the AI a bit, I'm still deciding how I want them to pick an attack.  Right now they randomly choose, unless they can't reach you, in which case they do a ranged attack.

The combat is also a bit easier as the sword can do fire damage, and in this build, fire damage will always cause the mob on fire to panic and wave around like an idiot.  In future builds, once things are more fleshed out, enemies will have a chance to panic, but won't always do so.




The dash should have a delay between uses right now. I'm experimenting with it having no cast cost, but limited use. There is also a seperate attack if you press the jump button while attacking, or press the attack button in the air.


Here's a few general issues I've noticed, not just combat-specific. - dead enemies still deal contact damage - seems like enemies are a bit too sensitive to sounds. I slightly bumped a yellow cube while sneaking and they "heard" it from their spawn positions. - it's really tough to drop enemy aggro I was only able to do it by dashing behind the wall and then holding sneak - you clip through the vertical elevator if you stand underneath it (I know this kind of thing is tough to deal with anyway and probably won't exist in the real game) - it's frustrating that walking speed resets after each swing of the sword and has to accelerate back up again. It'd be nice if the standard attack could be done while running but the combos would reset your speed. - it's quite tough to hit these enemies with regular attacks mostly due to their size relative to your first swing - when you do hit them they tend to catch fire, and then you can easily catch fire because of how close you have to be to hit with a standard attack - and fire lasts a really long time - the climbing animation feels a liiittle bit too long to me - sometimes enemy health bars disappear before they're actually dead - when walking off a platform while holding spacebar I'd expect the fairy wings to appear instantly. - with the thickness of the falling platforms (once fallen) you quickly clip on top of them rather than having to jump or just smoothly walking up them. I know this kind of thing is also tough to deal with so a possible solution is just some camera smoothing. - camera stuff is really nice but there are some situations that force it to clip inside the player model. For example, falling in the gap between the top step and the first big platform and grabbing the ledge. I'm sure you're aware of many of the issues I mentioned, but I thought it was worth documenting what I found. Honestly this is looking fantastic and I'm really excited to see what comes from it all! I really love all the little things you've added like making sure you stay crouched if you crouch walk under a platform, and the particle effects on the grass and snow. Also the animations look really great. I love the detail in the movements!


wow sorry I didn't realize how long this was until I pressed Enter.


I appreciate you taking the time to write your thoughts down, so thank you very much! I did probably choose the wrong enemy and weapon to demo with, as the sword's horizontal swing can miss them, and there are no spells to hit them with yet. I did make the sword's hitbox gigantic to deal with that though.