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This week I implemented attack animations for the witchdoctor, as well as got everything in game.

When he sees the player, he will now do a ranged attack that sends a spell slowly moving towards the player, he will actually cast this fairly often, but that's something I can tweak if needed.  

If you get to close to him, he will cast a knockback that will throw you to the ground, it doesn't do any damage, but it will interrupt anything you're doing.  

I started working on some sex animations as well, but don't have anything to show off for those yet.

I've also did a little but of experimenting/learning around level streaming.  I didn't quite understand how exactly it worked, and thought level streaming in Unreal Engine was strictly a tool to be used to break up large open worlds.  

After learning more about it, I've discovered that's not the case, and its a pretty interesting and dynamic system, that would even allow you to do things like change a level layout on the fly, or generate semi random dungeons/levels.

The random dungeon/level idea is something I'd like to explore more, as I feel like that's the best route to be efficient with my resources!

At any rate, thanks for your support, and I'd love to hear any comments, or suggestions!



I like his little knockback hop. The little wiggle at the end as he comes to a rest is A+++


Do you have a new demo planned for release in the near future?


A new demo, no, not in the near future. I have some stuff I'm thinking about, so for now I'm just getting some assets done. However, I do think I'm going to put something together like a gallery of all the sex stuff in the very near future.


This game looks extremely good, from what I've played the mechanics are pretty nice and fluid, animations are pretty well done too. You are doing an excellent job overall. I wish I had money to help you out, but I don't even have a bank account yet. As soon as I get a steady income I'll pledge to help you out.