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Good evening, everyone!

I know I'm later than I initially said I would be, but there's actually a good reason for that. As I was finishing up Haruki's update for release (i.e. replaying it to check for bugs and typos), I found the end of it... incredibly underwhelming. I was initially only going to add days 13 and 14 to this update. However, because day 14 felt like such a bad stopping point, I kept going and added day 15 as well. I didn't think day 15 would end up being quite as long as it turned out to be, but I essentially doubled the update's size in the last three weeks because of it.

Not only that, due to the delay, Nyaruh was able to get a WIP done to be put in a certain scene of this update — which is good, because the scene definitely needs the image to be able to hit. The scene will be updated in the future as the CG is finished (one of the variations of the CG is sadly entirely missing still).

Either way, I hope this update turns out to be worth the wait. God knows it ended up being twice the size of the usual Tennis Ace update as is.


  • Days 13, 14 and 15 added for Haruki
  • CG WIP added to a scene in Haruki's route
  • Haruki's eyes in his sprites were increased in size by about 18~20% due to lots of feedback from players — especially those on Android — about his eyes being too small to see where he was looking at.

And for anyone who wants to see a peek at the WIP before getting into the update, here's a tiny gander!

Download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1v0LkfsdCsvKqZCrVHRhGDn5xoRTDeHYC?usp=sharing




We were doing so well with updates. Now we’re 2 months with no word again 😞


love this update and the vn as a whole. the way you write the characters and story is perfect and it has made this my favourite vn I've read to date!


I've been anticipated this update ever since the initial Haruki update! I loved this so much. I knew his story was going to be good, but I didn't know it would be this enticing! I can't wait for the next one. Absolute best boy.


I'm not the kind of guy that writes comments usually but this Haruki update was just too good to stay silent. I just want to say that i absolutely love his route so far and can't wait for his story to continue. Maybe it's because i'm quite similar to Haruki when it comes to shutting people out of your life because you've got so much to deal with internally that you just don't want to drag other people down with you but i was just glued to my screen the whole time. You're a very talented writer and should be proud of yourself because of that. Thanks for making my weekend and keep doing what you're doing because you're shaping up to be my favourite creator on this website.


Just finished reading it and I have come to the conclusion that I’m suing for emotional damages! Jk but seriously though that last scene on day 15 left me with goosebumps and I can’t to see what happens next


Haruki is the best let’s gooo


Just finished the update, and oh boy was it a good one. I have to say, I love the perspective shifts when you do them. They always seem to elevate the story. The fact that I could immediately tell from a single panel of text that we had switched to Haru’s perspective was *chef’s kiss*. It’s a bit of a call back, but I loved when we switched to Jun’s perspective for a while in his route as well. I know it can be hard to nail the change in tone and voice, but you’ve knocked it out of the park both of those times. The way this route heads forward is going to be…interesting. I hope you go where your heart desires whenever writing. And I hope you never let us dictate too much about the direction of the VN. But I will say, you’ve set up a good old-fashioned love triangle, and my ass generally only has one real response to those, and I’m going to be very fascinated to see if we’re given that option. Anyway. Loved the update. Your writing ability continues to be a step above. Take your time, and don’t let deadlines make you hate the things you love. :)


Instantly my favorite route, can't wait for his next update.


Hi, I'm getting an error on day 17 on the shoichi route: "could not find substitution 'casual arm'"

Bunbuku Chagama

I have two theories about that Shiroyuki Attack! shirt Haruki's wearing, and I'm not sure which is the better headcanon The first is that he was homeless for a period and the shirt came from a shelter where he couldn't be a choosing beggar The second, and more likely, is that despite his deflections, he does watch the show as a way of indulging in a form of vicarious childhood that his dad's abuse stole from him (at the very least it's a much better coping mechanism than what he did after the tournament)