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Hello all,

Seems I'm always apologising to you guys or commenting on how I always apologise to you guys; my plan is to get progressively more meta about it til I reach some sort of zenith of bollocks that provides me some sort of benefit I can't rightly imagine currently.

So yes, sorry once more for the lack of content here; and sorry to all of you who've clicked on this hoping I'm posting with a new update, coz I'm not just yet! 

I am here to say it's coming very soon though, you see our absolutely marvellous programmer Byful has started a new job recently and in general IRL stuff has meant that while he works doggedly at it he can only really do so at the weekends; so most of it is together now and his updates have been awesome upon awesome, you can check them out on our Discord in fact (the test builds I mean) but if I could ask for your clemency a bit longer we can both assure you we're working our hardest to get some cool content out!

So now that I've gotten everyone in the mood for some content I thought I'd share a couple of bits I've been working on that aren't adult, so I can show them here!



There we go!

These are all work in progress of course, some more heavily than others, though the advertisement is mostly finished I think! I plan to put it on FA but their size restrictions make it difficult and I haven't been able to make contact with their ad team as yet so... It'll go somewhere I'm sure! I'm pretty proud of it all the same!

I also wanted to showcase this a friend  and mod did for our little team on the Discord server coz it's wonderful and he deserves some love ^^

Aren't we all cute? And yes the boat and the becoated man are also wonderful mods and wonderful people to boot ^^

So that's about it for now, watch this space coz we're definitely gearing up for a very exciting new release, but for now I hope my disjointed ramblings and contents of my desktop will suffice for the moment! 

Hope everyone's doing okay and getting all prepared for winter; it gets pretty cold here some years but I'm sure some of you are looking at that and scoffing so I'll leave it there :P




Awesome news Seph! Always looking forward for further game updates and seeing new content in the game! ^^ Keep up the fantastic work!! Also love the cute art ^^

Mari Fox

Brilliant work as always, Seph! Can't wait for the next update! Also: I love the lil Flipper Flop artwork <3


I think I am talking for most people when I say that private IRL issues have been and will always come up every now and then. And it is just nice to see that you are still working on something that has alot of potential. And seeing the animations makes me curious of the new objects and NPCs makes me curious to check them out later once the build is ready for a test. And most importantly: don't try to rush anything just because you want to show us a built. Most importantly is that the build is solid and works as intended. We are all looking forward to see the development of this game. And at least for me it is always amazing to see the progress from scrap to the final product. Be it an object, art, or in this regard a flash game. Just don't rush and give our hungry eyes something to feast uppon just like you do and everything will be fine!~


Dude, take your time, I'm loving this game. Stumbled across it somewhere else and decided to come support it on patreon. The animations are incredibly detailed for a game of this type. I don't mind waiting between updates, as long as you don't get burnt out on it. Keep up the work, its looking pretty damn great so far.

Aromatic Hyena

A nice sexy running animation/sprint button would be cool, it'd make the game feel more alive, unlock new outfits and hair styles other than lazy bed head girl+? Great game, digging the detail and the effort put in, don't lose steam now! you just gained a patron my friend (: