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So I imagine a lot of you will be happy to hear this; We realized that it was kind of absurd for people to pledge $5 more than once and NOT get a free copy of the demo (or people pledging $1 10 times), as the people at the $10 tier get a free game. So if you pledge $5 twice (or whatever amount that equals up to $10 or more total), or already have, you'll be getting a free copy of the game at release. Patreon tracks how much money total people have pledged, so yeah :D no worries, it's all on file and such! Note that this doesn't get you the $10 reward of getting your name in the background; if we started giving cumulative awards for stacked amounts of pledges, we'd pretty much never get the first level done, let alone the rest of the game :P



Oh, nice. :D You hope this will get more people to pledge extra, or just wanted to reward the patrons for being generous? I suddenly feel like I answered my own question. XP


We felt it would be really unfair if people pledged like $5 months in a row and then had to buy the game on top of that, so yeah :P