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Hi team

We got the poll results in. First of all thank you to all those who responded. 

Second we had 4,731 responses which is the vast majority here. 

Third 65 said shut it down.  35 of those 65 (based on direct messages to me) were concerned for my health so put me first.  I cannot tell you how touched i was. 

30 people want it closed down.   99.68% want us to continue. 

We work for the 99.68%.  We will continue on this journey. Future is bright even though it may not seem like it now. 

Strategy remains. Portfolio in thirds (RE, Equities and Crypto).  Heavy conviction in key assets eg TSLA, Bitcoin.  Swing between pairs eg cointegrated assets. Start scalping more in choppy and bear markets (first example today).  Speculate on riskier assets that we feel have commensurate upside eg SQ SOL etc when they bottom. 

As usual, I will be fully open and transparent with my cash positions and holdings and all my buys and sells and transfers (eg Celsius - I never moved anything off celsius)




I love what you do - words can not shows this.


Don't forget to have some time out James - the last thing we all don't want if for you to burn out