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Scalping is a trading style that specializes in profiting off of small price changes and making a fast profit off reselling - holding only a few hours sometimes 30 mins or even less.

I am testing relying ONLY on signals from IADSS. 

I played with 100 shares.  I bought 100 at $148.28 and sold them 165.64 as I have fat fingers.  I am taking a page out of Scott the Vets book (he only uses the confluence by the way on the 1 min and 5 minute)

12.4% in 4 hours - excluding margin.  Using margin that ROI is 24%. 

I am determined to find ways to make money in this market. Will share all learnings. 

Note I turned off the Trend Model on the 30 second as it is too much noise. 

Will continue to test. 




Just did the same thing with tesla and microstrategy James! Been thinking about using the RSI channel to my advantage but didnt quite have the courage until your post. Bought tesla at 638 and sold at 677. Bought microstrategy at 148 yesterday and sold at 165. I'll take it happily.


Anyone using IADSS? Looking to get into it and wanted some feedback about it from users